
Many photographs have been buried within postwar Japanese photographic history and remembers of their existence have been lost.

From the mid-1960's to the 1970's, the alumni of the All Japan Student Photo Club Union created many of these photographs. At that time, in the effort to address the problem of their own individuality, students persistently challenged what they can do through photography. In doing so, they worked toward creating a new method of photographic expression that addressed their present evnvironment.

The All Japan Student Photo Club Union published many photography collections of members, club activities and collective photography occasions that reached beyond the boundaries of a school. They focused on using photographs to reflect the realities underlying specific contexts and events which were, in turn, picked up in these photographic books. Numerous anonymous students continued to produce these types of works until 1979, but many were never published and remain in piles of negatives and prints.

Given the first opportunity to exhibit a selection of these photographs at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum's 2013 "1968―Japanese Photographs" exhibition. We began discussion not to lose these photographs and decided to rescue them and to ask the world to evaluate and to give them a rightful place in the history of photography.

After a period of preparation, since 2015, we have been searching for photography collections, unpublished prints, and negatives, and creating an archive in order to collect and store them. In July of 2017, we instituted the nonprofit corporation "Archives of Another Japanese Photo Stream (AAJPS)" and established a website. As we continue to extend our work, we look forward to hearing your comments and feedback.